International Environmental Workcamps

Environmental Workcamps with focus on different topics take place throughout Austria every summer. Young adults from 16 to 30 years, who enjoy working in the mountains, who want to contribute in environmental conservation and make friends, are welcome to participate. Working is voluntarily, cost and lodge is free and organized by the Young Nature Friends.


Voluntaries are working

Dachstein Camp

The annual Dachstein Camp has become a tradition in the last few years! We dedicate our time to enhance and to maintain the alpine infrastructure. We want to boost ecological tourism, for which the Alpine Training Centre Wiesberghaus is an important factor. Different aims of the camp are: nature conservation, improving the alpine safety and the touristic offers. That's why we will restructure the existing hiking trails and will try to find methods in order to sensibilise people for nature. We have also planned some activities for our freetime, such as hiking, climbing etc.


For further Information concerning "International Environmental Workcamps" pleas don´t hesitate to contact us.


Naturfreundejugend Österreich